8 Reg Flags A Woman Is Secretly Gaslighting You
Special note to the video editor: I dropped some clips here that you can use to make the video even better, please pay attention to the clips highlighted in yellow.
Maestros, the reality is, there are women like Jada Pinkett who are experts at manipulating their men and one of their top skills is their ability to gaslight. Watch this clip to see how she does it.
Do you remember the case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard too? The court case revealed the truth about her manipulative behavior and how she has always tried to change the truth with her lies. I will reveal more about this later in this video and share clips of women that gaslight, so you understand exactly how they do it.
After this video, you will learn how to smell this disgusting behavior from a mile away and act like a Sigma man in putting her straight.
As a man, you must understand that gaslighting is a very dangerous behavior, and it does not matter how beautiful a woman is, it is a behavior that shows she is selfish and irresponsible, which makes it unacceptable.
Before we get into it, hit the subscribe button and start your journey of the most amazing self-improvement.
One: She always seeks pity
So you caught her doing something irresponsible, or she has been failing to do something right. Instead of admitting that she is wrong, she will try to play the victim and seek pity.
In the end, she always makes it about her as if the whole world is against her.
Some cases can be extreme like in the case of this woman admitting to Dr. Phil that she lied about her husband hitting her.
She played the victim and got pity even though she was lying. Her husband got a 10-month sentence because of her manipulative behavior. She created a false reality that he was the abuser when in truth she was the one abusing him. She got away with it, and this is exactly why you need to learn these lessons, so you avoid women like this.
Women like this are likely to bring their gender into every issue they have. If she has a problem with her boss at work, she will claim that the boss is picking on her because she is a woman. In your relationship, she will always accuse you of being unfair to her.
This behavior is aimed at making you look like a bad person. Unfortunately, it works very well. She knows that people will be soft on her because she is a woman, and she capitalizes on this.
Number 2: She Uses Love to Blackmail You.
Maestros, when a woman is always telling you how much she loves you just to make you feel guilty about something, then know you are dealing with an expert at gaslighting. She is simply using that as an excuse for the revenge she is about to unleash, or distracting you from her guilt.
Again, Jada Pinkett shows us how it is done. Let's analyze what she is doing here.
In this interview, she is talking about moving back in with Will Smith, pretending that she is the loving person in the relationship. She is trying to create an image of being a caring person always watching out for Will Smith. But is she?
We already know she has always been busy cheating on Will Smith, and we also know she is not ashamed about it, so she is talking about how much she cares for Will Smith, moving back with him to take care of him just to make her look like a good person.
Be careful of women who talk about what they have done for you so you feel indebted to the fake love they have shown you before.
Number 3: She does not take things seriously
This is when she makes your thoughts and feelings seem small and unimportant on purpose. It's like saying, "What you think or feel doesn't matter much. When you open up to her about something you are not happy about, she will downplay it and say it is not that important. It could also happen when you accomplish something; she will make it seem like your accomplishment is not that great. What she is doing here is what we call a trivializing strategy. This strategy is aimed at making you feel she is more important than she is. A woman like this will never appreciate your efforts. She will always compare you to other men or say you are not doing enough.
Caring about women like this is a waste of time because she will always find an excuse to make you look unimportant.
Women like this will also never listen to your advice or corrections.
When you tell her to correct a bad habit, she will laugh it off or call you paranoid. She will never make any changes that you suggest. Everything is like a joke to her, and you can see that she is not concerned about things you feel concerned about.
Number 4: She is a habitual liar
Have you observed her lying on several occasions? If she is the type that sees nothing wrong in telling a little lie, then you can be sure that she is a habitual liar. This means lying is just part of her character, she cannot change.
People who don't feel bad about lying are very dangerous because they almost live in a false world where their reality is based on their lies. They do not care about the truth or the consequences of their lies because they always think they can get away with it.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which the abuser manipulates the victim into questioning their sanity. Habitual liars are skilled at using their lying skills to achieve this.
And you can also be sure that she has been gaslighting people for a chunk of her life. To such women, gaslighting is not a bad thing, so they never feel guilty about it.
Habitual liars are good at denying things that they have said or done, even when there is evidence to the contrary. This can make the victim doubt their memory and perception of reality.
These liars may also try to minimize the severity of their lies by saying that they were just joking or that they didn't mean it. This can make the victim feel like they are overreacting or that they are not justified in being upset.
Women like this are always confident they will get away with their lies, so just avoid them.
Number 5: She loves Scapegoating
Scapegoating is when someone shifts the blame away from themselves onto another person. It's like playing a game of hot potato with responsibility, where the one holding the potato is the person being blamed.
Imagine your partner messed up by cheating, but instead of owning up to it, they blame you for not giving them enough attention and intimacy. That's scapegoating in action.
Let us take a look at an example. The clip I am about to show you is about a woman who needs to lose weight so she gets approved for surgery, but she has been indulging herself and lost focus on her weight loss. But who does she blame? She blames her boyfriend who had supported her all along. Watch this.
This woman is scapegoating her boyfriend and heaping all the blame on him. She is trying to change the reality of what happened and make him look guilty, when the truth is, it was all her fault and she should be responsible for her life.
Women who do this will always look for who to blame for everything that goes wrong in their lives, they just don't know how to accept responsibility. Watch out for this red flag, so you do not end up psychologically drained from taking blames for these type of women.
Number 6: She gives you negative tags.
She will yell at you, calling you different names. She will call you crazy, selfish and all manner of names. You need to look internally and ask why she is so angry with you. What have you been doing to deserve her behavior? Sigma men will be honest with themselves and if they discover they have been messing up, they will make things right with her. But if you discover that she is doing this consistently because she is trying to hurt or get back at you, then you have a gaslighting problem on your hands.
She is calling you bad names, so it becomes your identity. She wants you to accept that identity, and she wants other people to begin seeing you that same way too.
Number 7: She will claim to have forgotten what happened
When a gaslighter claims to have forgotten what happened, they are trying to make the victim doubt their memory. They are saying that the victim is misremembering things or that they are imagining things. This can be a very effective way to manipulate the victim because it can make them feel like they are the one who is crazy.
A woman who is secretly gaslighting you will always pretend she cannot remember things the way they happened. When you accuse her of something, or you try to remind her of something she did, she will pretend not to remember anymore. This is her way of escaping responsibility. If she cannot remember, then she can as well claim what you are saying never happened.
It is important to remember that gaslighting is a form of abuse. It is not normal for someone to forget important events or to deny that they happened. If she regularly claims to have forgotten things that you are sure happened, it is a sign that she is gaslighting you.
Number 8: Exaggerates
She is going to gaslight you by exaggerating things. She will become a big drama queen and throw up an act to make you believe you must be a bad person. Amber Heard did this to Johnny Depp when she made it look like Johnny was laying hands on her.
9: She is constantly criticizing you.
Constant criticism can make you feel like you are never good enough. This can take away your self-esteem and make you more likely to comply with her demands. If all you get from her is criticism, then know she is trying to program your mind to focus on pleasing her.
To detect women who are gaslighting you, you must be patient and always use logic. Don't allow them to get you emotional.
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